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S.A.F.E. (Self Abuse Finally Ends)


The S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES® philosophy begins with the assumption that, although temporarily helpful, self-injurious behavior is ultimately a dangerous and futile coping strategy which interferes with intimacy, productivity and happiness. There is no “safe” or “healthy” amount of self-injury. We also believe that self-injury is not an addiction over which one is powerless for a lifetime, people can and do stop injuring, with the right kinds of help and support. Self-injury can be transformed from a seemingly uncontrollable compulsion to a choice.

The S.A.F.E. ALTERNATIVES® philosophy respects the autonomy and choice-making capacities of the individual. It is not an authoritarian model; we don’t believe that helpers can or should take all the responsibility for keeping the self-injurer safe. Ultimately, the self-injurer must be empowered to learn to keep themselves safe. In order to get well, there must be a shift in the locus of responsibility from the helper, to the one being helped. The helping relationship is a partnership, not a “parental” relationship. At S.A.F.E., we try to create a “culture of safety” in which the injurer comes to realize that self-injury destroys relationships, but safety brings people closer to them. We also do not employ infantilizing, restricting methods of behavior control, which reinforce the individual’s sense of helplessness and powerlessness.
